LaMM's communications in 2016
F. Totti
"Physisorption, chemisorption and heterogeneous catalysis"
INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL MOLECULES@SURFACES, 31/01-15/02/2016 - Bardonecchia (TO), (Italy).
M. Mannini
"Magnetic molecules@surface"
Biomedical Engineering Centre e Warsaw University of Technology, 03/03/2016, Warsaw (Poland).
C. Sangregorio
“Tailoring Magnetic Nanoparticle Properties Towards Feasible Applications”
APS March Meeting 2016, 14-18/03/2016, Baltimora (USA).
A. Amjad, G. Poneti, S. Sottini
"Exchange coupling and anisotropy effects on the low temperature magnetization dynamics in rare-earth dioxolene complexes"
EMRS, 02-06/05/2016 - Lille (France).
A. López-Ortega, E. Lottini, G. Bertoni, C. de Julián Fernández, C. Sangregorio
"Improving the properties of spinel ferrite nanoparticles for the development of Rare-Earth-free permanent magnet"
EMRS, 02-06/05/2016 - Lille (France).
M. Mannini, L. Poggini, G. Cucinotta, A-M. Pradipto, M. Scarrozza, P. Barone, P. Graziosi, M. Calbucci, R. Cecchini, A. Caneschi, S. Picozzi, V-A. Dediu, R. Sessoli
"Embedding magnetic molecules in spin valves"
Workshop on Electronic Structure of Coordination Complexes (WESCC), 16-18/05/2016, Mumbai (India).
"Extracting, analysing and fitting magnetometric data of molecular magnets: dos and don'ts"
“Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (EPR) of S>1/2 Systems Workshop on Electronic Structure of Coordination Complexes”
"Modern Trends in Molecular Magnetism", 19-21/05/2016, Mumbai (India).
L. Sorace, L. Tesi, M. Atzori, I. Cimatti, E. Lucaccini, E. Morra, M. Chiesa, M. Mannini, R. Sessoli
"Mononuclear vanadyl complexes as potential molecular spin qubits"
"Modern Trends in Molecular Magnetism", 19-21/05/2016, Mumbai (India).
F. Totti, A. Lunghi, S. Ninova, G. Fernandez Garcia
"Molecular magnets and their journey from isolated clusters to self-assembled-monolayers: the key role of computational methods"
International Conference BOOK-D “2nd Bordeaux Olivier Kahn Discussion”, 26-28/5/2016, Bordeaux (France).
G. Fernandez Garcia, F. Totti, R. Sessoli, J. Crassous, F. Pointillart, O. Cador, B. Le Guennic
"Dysprosium(III)-based SMM coupled to a photoactive group: time will tell. An ab initio study"
EMRS Spring meeting 2-6/06/2016, Lille (France).
M. Mannini, L. Poggini, G. Cucinotta, A-M. Pradipto, M. Scarrozza, P. Barone, P. Graziosi, M. Calbucci, R. Cecchini, A. Caneschi, S. Picozzi,V-A. Dediu, R. Sessoli
“Embedding magnetic molecules in spin valves”
9th International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism, NIST, 13-17 June 2016 Gaithersburg (USA).
A. López Ortega, E. Lottini, G. Bertoni, Julián Fernández, C. Sangregorio
“Improving the magnetic properties of spinel ferrite nanoparticles for the development of Rare-Earth-free permanent magnet“
9th International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism, NIST, 13-17 June 2016 Gaithersburg (USA).
C.Innocenti, A. Guerrini, E. Fantechi, B. Tenci, T. Mello, L. di Cesare Mannelli, Falvo, P. Ceci, C. Sangregorio
“H-Ferritin-based Multifunctional Nanoparticles: A Smart Theranostic Platform”
42nd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, 4-9 July 2016, Brest (France).
L. Sorace
“Investigation of magnetic anisotropy and relaxation processes in lanthanide complexes”
International Conference ICCC2016 “42nd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry”, 3-8/7/2016, Brest (France).
G. Fernandez Garcia, A. Lunghi, F. Totti, B. Le Guennic, R. Sessoli
"Study of the self-assembly of the Single Molecule Magnet Fe4Ph on Au(111) via a combined MM and QM approach"
Forum Nazionale dei Giovani Ricercatori di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali 2016, 11-13/07/2016, Ischia Porto (Italia).
M. Petrecca, C. Sangregorio, A. Lopez-Ortega, C. de Julián Fernández, A. Caneschi
"Magnetic nanoparticles: from powders to final products"
Gordon Research Conferences, 14-19/08/201, Boston (USA).
R. Sessoli
"Magnetic Molecules on Surfaces: From Bistability Towards Quantum Coherence"
JEMS 2016, 21-26/08/2016 Glasgow (UK).
R. Sessoli
"Magnetic molecules in hybrid structures: from magnetic bistability towards quantum coherence" (Semi-plenary)
“ECOSS32” (European Conference of Surface Science), 28/08-03/09/2016, Grenoble (Francia).
I. Cimatti, K. Bernot , F. Pointillart , E. Otero , P. Sainctavit , M. Mannini, R. Sessoli
"Nanostructuration of Dy-based Single Molecule Magnets"
CMD26, 02-07/09/2016 Groeningen (Olanda).
M. Mannini, I. Cimatti, L. Poggini, A. Cini, A. Cornia, Z. Salman, P. Sainctavit, R. Sessoli
"Multitechnique characterization of Single Molecule Magnets assemblies at the nanoscale"
International Conference on Molecule-based Magnets 2016 (ICMM 2016), 02-09/09/2016 Sendai (Japan).
R. Sessoli M. Atzori, L. Tesi, A. Lunghi, I. Cimatti, G. Cucinotta, E. Lucaccini, M. Chiesa,E. Morra,F. Totti, M. Mannini, L. Sorace
"A Multi-Technique Approach for the Investigation of Potential Molecular Spin QU-Bits"
EuCheMS Chemistry Congress 1115/09/2016, Siviglia (Spagna)
R. Sessoli
“Magnetic molecules: from magnetochemistry towards quantum spin based technologies” (Plenary)
EFEPR 2016, 04-09/09/2016, Turin (Italy).
L. Sorace
"Vanadium(IV) complexes as potential multifunctional molecular qubits"
French-German Summer School on Molecular switches at the nanoscale, 07-09/09/2016 Mittelwhir (France).
M. Mannini
"Molecular Magnets: from bulk to surfaces"
Nanoinnovation 2016 Conference & Exhibiton, 20-23/09/2016, Rome, (Italy), invited contribution.
C. Sangregorio
“Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Useful Tool in the Early Diagnosis and Therapy of Tumors”
NanoForum 2016, 13/10/2016, Milan (Italy).
C. Sangregorio
“Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Useful Tool in the Early Diagnosis and Therapy of Tumors”
Workshop "Ceramica Design Sperimentazione e Stampa 3D: Materiali e produzioni avanzate per i ceramici tradizionali", 3/11/2016, Florence (Italy).
M. Pucci, M. Mannini
“Nanotecnologie - esperienze sperimentali e produttive in ceramica”
Festival della Scienza di Cagliari, 9/11/2016 Cagliari (Italy)
“Il magnetismo delle molecole: un’attrazione nascosta ”
COST (ECMOLS 2016), 15-18/11/2016, Bologna (Italy).
L. Sorace
"Relaxation dynamics in vanadyl complexes"
COST (ECMOLS 2016), 15-18/11/2016, Bologna (Italy).
M. Mannini, G. Cucinotta, L. Poggini, I. Cimatti, A. Cini, P. Graziosi, A. Cornia, P. Sainctavit, Z. Salam, A. V. Dediu, R. Sessoli
"The challenge of embedding complex molecules in spintronic devices: a multitechnique approach"
Journées scientifiques – GdR MCM2, 22-24/11/2016, Dourdan (France).
G. Fernandez Garcia, F. Totti, B. Le Guennic, R. Sessoli
"Lanthanide-based SMMs: from molecular properties to surface grafting exploiting multi-level ab initio techniques"
Ist International Workshop Ecofriendly Nanotechnologies, 24 -11- 2016, Livorno (Italy).
A. Caneschi
“The role of research for supporting regional policies aimed at developing productive sectors” 2016, 16/12/2016, Aci Castello (Italy).
C. Sangregorio, C. Innocenti, A. Guerrini, E. Fantechi, B. Tenci, T. Mello, L. di Cesare Mannelli, E. Falvo, P. Ceci
“H‐Ferritin‐based Multifunctional Nanoparticles: A Smart Theranostic Platform”
Invited Seminar, 12/12/2016, Monash University, Melbourne (Australia).
L. Sorace
“Magnetic anisotropy and relaxation processes in lanthanide-based complexes”
Invited Seminar, 13/12/2016, University of Melbourne (Australia).
L. Sorace
“Magnetic anisotropy and magnetic bistability in lanthanide-based complexes”
Invited Seminar, 13/12/2016, University of Sydney (Australia).
L. Sorace
“Molecular magnets: potential building blocks of a quantum computer?”
Short course, University of Melbourne 14-15/12/2016 (Australia).
L. Sorace
“Electron paramagnetic resonance: basic concepts and applications”