Services offered
1) Magnetic materials:
- Analysis and characterisation of the static and dynamic magnetic properties of hard and soft magnetic material (magnetization, hysteresis, critical temperature, coercive fields, susceptibility….).
- Synthesis of nanostructured magnetic systems (oxides, metals / mixed metals, and molecules.
- Analysis of elemental composition and crystalline phase.
- Identification of the crystalline system and degree of crystallinity.
- Morphological investigations.
2) Paramagnetic material:
- Investigation and analysis of the electronic properties by means of EPR (Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance).
- Analysis and characterisation of the static and dynamic magnetic properties of hard and soft magnetic material (magnetization, susceptibility, magnetic moment, coupling among the paramagnetic centers….).
- Analysis of elemental composition and determination of the molecular structure.
- Morphological investigations.
- Synthesis of molecular paramagnetic systems of different types: purely inorganic, organic-inorganic, purely organic (radicals). Molecular organisation on surfaces.
3) Nano structured material:
- Investigation and analysis of size and morphology of the systems.
- Analysis of elemental composition and crystalline phase.
- Identification of the crystalline system and degree of crystallinity.
- Investigation and analysis of the static and dynamic magnetic properties of material possessing showing magnetism.
- Determination of hyper-thermal properties of magnetic systems.
- Nanoparticles synthesis (oxides, metals, core-shell and other types) for the following applications:
a) preparation of new magnetic materials;
b) shielding of nanoparticles with molecular functional shells, for preparing systems for drug delivery, molecular targeting and diagnostic by using NMR and MRI;
c) preparation of magneto-plasmonic systems and characterization of their optic, magnetic and magneto-optic properties.
4) Surfaces:
- Morphological and compositional analysis.
- Compositional mapping of the surface.
- Preparation of metallic surfaces by UHV evaporation.
- Preparation of multi-layer metallic systems.
- Preparation of molecular mono- and multi-layers by UHV evaporation or by wet-chemistry (SAM: self assembled monolayers).
- Molecular systems functionalisation for grafting on several surfaces. Preparation of molecular films by spin coating technique.
5) Superconductors:
- Determination of the hysteresis loss and of critical temperature.
- Hysteresis cycles
- Analysis of elemental composition
last update: 29-June-2017