COST is an European framework supporting cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. It started in 1971 to complement the activities of the EU Framework Programmes, constituting a “bridge” towards the scientific communities. It also increases the mobility of researchers across Europe and fosters the establishment of scientific excellence through the Cost Actions.
They are a flexible, fast, effective and efficient networking instrument to cooperate and coordinate nationally funded research activities. COST Actions allow European researchers to jointly develop their own ideas in any science and technology field. They have a duration of four years and consist in a range of networking tools, such as workshops, conferences, training schools, short-term scientific missions (STSMs), and dissemination activities.
LaMM has participate to the following COST Actions:
- COST D14 2001 : "Non-linear Magneto-optics Properties of Organic and Metal-Organic Compounds: Potential Molecule-based Switches" (5 years).
- Open Call OC-2013-2 : "Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia and Indirect Radiation Therapy” (RADIOMAG), Project: oc-2013-2-17089COST, Coordinator: Simo Spassov - Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Working Group Responsible: Dr. C. Sangregorio – CNR-ICCOM.
- Open Call OC-2015-1 : “Molecular Spintronic” (MOLSPIN), Project: oc-2015-1-19672, Coordinator: Eugenio Coronado – Università di Valencia, Spagna, University of Florence Working Group Responsible Unità Università di Firenze: Prof. Roberta Sessoli, INSTM Working Group Responsible: Dr. Matteo Mannini, European Institute of Molecular Magnetism Working Group Responsible: Prof. Andrea Caneschi.