Matteo Atzori
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EDUCATION- 2012 – 2015 PhD in Chemistry, (Conjoint Thesis and Doctor Europaeus Label) University of Angers (France) / University of Cagliari (Italy). Thesis title: Anilate-based Functional Molecular Materials with Conducting and Magnetic properties
- 2009 – 2012 Master degree in Chemical Sciences (with honours) – Curriculum: Materials Chemistry. University of Cagliari (Italy) Thesis title: Design, Synthesis and Characterization of a New Family of Molecule-based Magnets.
- 2006 - 2009 Bachelor in Chemistry (with honours) University of Cagliari (Italy) Thesis title: Synthesis of Transition Metal Complexes with Oxocarbons as Ligands
RESEARCH EXPERIENCEMay 2015 – present Post-doc position Laboratory of Molecular Magnetism (LaMM), Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”, University of Florence, Italy. Project: Preparation and Characterization of Molecular Nanomagnets.
PARTICIPATION AT CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLSParticipation to 15 national (Italy, France) and international (Europe, USA, Japan) conferences on Inorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry (ICCC40), Molecular Magnetism (ECMM 2014, ICMM 2016), Molecular Spintronics (ECMolS 2016). 7 poster contributions, 8 oral presentations (1 invited).
OTHER INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCESJune 2016 Diamond Light Source (Synchrotron Facility) (UK). Project title: “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Spin-Crossover Molecules on Surface”.
2012 - 2015 (10 months) Research experience at the University of Angers (France), Moltech-Anjou Laboratory in the frame of the conjoint PhD Thesis. Supervisor: Dr. N. Avarvari
June 2011 Visiting student at University of Angers (France), Moltech-Anjou Laboratory, in the frame of the Mobility Fellowships 2010 funded by the Italian Chemical Society & Chiesi Farmaceutici s.p.a., for the project: “Multifunctional Molecular Materials with Magnetic and Electrical Properties of interest in Molecular Electronics”. Supervisor: Dr. N. Avarvari
May 2011 Visiting student at University of Angers (France), Moltech-Anjou Laboratory, in the frame of a Short Term Scientific Mission funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) D35 Action, for the project: "Synthesis and properties of radical cation salts based on chiral tetrathiafulvalenes (TTF) and paramagnetic (chiral) anions". Supervisor: Dr. N. Avarvari
September 2008 Training Stage at the University of Girona (Spain), funded by the “CHISS” Project for Green Chemistry, on the use of biomasses for the removal of heavy metals from waste waters through absorption mechanisms. Supervisor: Dr. I. Villaescusa TEACHING ACTIVITY2016 - 2017 Co-supervisor of two Bachelor Thesis at the University of Florence (Italy): - “Synthesis and deposition on metallic surfaces of the spin crossover complex [57Fe(qnal)2] by high vacuum sublimation”, discussed on April 20 2017 by Niccolò Giaconi; “Magnetization dynamics of a vanadium(IV)-dithiolene complex”, discussed on June 16 2016 by Andrea Albino.
2016 - 2017 Teacher for the supporting course of General and Inorganic Chemistry for the students of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (Bachelor Degree), University of Florence (15 hours). October 2016 - present Honorary Fellow of General and Inorganic Chemistry (SSD/CHIM03) appointed by the Council of the Chemical Department “Ugo Schiff”, University of Florence (Italy).
2014 - 2015 Tutor for the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry for the students of Natural Science (Bachelor Degree), University of Cagliari (Italy) (42 hours).
2013 - 2014 Tutor for the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry for the students of Geological Science (Bachelor Degree), University of Cagliari (Italy) (25 hours).
2012-2013 Tutor for the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry for the students of Natural Science (Bachelor Degree), University of Cagliari (Italy) (20 hours). OTHER RELEVANT ACTIVITIESMember of the Italian Chemical Society. Referee for "Journal of Molecular Strucure", Elsevier. AWARDSBest PhD Thesis in Inorganic Chemistry 2015 given by the Italian Chemical Society, Inorganic Chemistry Division. Best 2012 Master thesis in Chemistry in Sardinia, given by the Italian Chemical Society, Sardinian Section. Merit Scholarships for graduates A.A. 2010-2011, for the Master degree in Chemistry, given by the University of Cagliari (Italy). Merit Scholarships for graduates A.A. 2008-2009, for the Bachelor degree in Chemistry, given by the University of Cagliari (Italy). Gold Medal Award for excellent students in Chemistry given by the University of Cagliari (Italy), 2008.
LINGUISTIC PROFICIENCYItalian (mother tongue) English (B2) - Cambridge ESOL Examination for the B1 Level French (A2) |