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LaMM Laboratorio di Magnetismo Molecolare

Research Activity

The scientific interests of Claudio Sangregorio are in the field of nanomagnetism, and particularly in the synthesis and characterization of the structural and magnetic properties of novel nanomaterials based on metal transition oxide or metal particles. In particular, in the recent years his activity was mainly focused on the development of biocompatible magnetic nanomaterials for theranostic applications, magnetic-plasmonic nanostructures for high-sensitivity sensors and optimized ferrite nanoparticles for the realization of rare-earth free permanent magnets and high frequency low losses materials. Large part of his activity has also been devoted to the field of molecular magnetism.

He has co-authored ca. 200 scientific articles on peer-reviewed international journals of chemistry, physics and material science and his work has been presented to several international conferences. He participated/coordinated several national and international projects. He has been member of the organizing committees of national and international conferences, workshops and schools and he is member of the Directorial Board of the Italian Association on Magnetism (AIMagn).

last update: 09-May-2017
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