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LaMM Laboratorio di Magnetismo Molecolare

Research Activity

The research activity of Lorenzo Sorace has been mainly focused on the study of the magnetic properties of molecular based systems, with specific attention to the characterization by multifrequency, single crystal EPR spectroscopy of spin clusters. He has been concerned with the study of the origin and control of the magnetic anisotropy in these systems, with the twofold aim of tailoring the synthesis for increasing the magnetic anisotropy and of shedding light on the fine details of low temperature spin dynamics of these systems. This led him to a quite extensive use of Ligand field techniques and to be interested in the magnetic properties, both static and dynamic, of lanthanide based coordination compounds. He also devoted part of his  scientific activity to the investigation of molecules containing metal ions interacting with polyoxolene ligands. The latter might be considered as organic mixed valence systems, so that the magnetic properties of their complexes depends on the intramolecular charge transfer processes, which may occur on varying some external parameters (T,P, light irradiation), opening the way to information storage at the molecular level. More recently his interest shifted towards the EPR characterization of nanostructured systems and on the study of relaxation processes in low-spin molecules for potential application in Quantum Information Processing.

last update: 08-May-2017
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