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LaMM Laboratorio di Magnetismo Molecolare

Giulia Serrano






 Nanosystems and devices


Giulia Serrano is a material scientist working on molecular and inorganic nanostructures on surfaces to develop innovative functional materials for spintronics and sensing technologies. She received Bachelor and Master Degrees in Material Science at “Tor Vergata” University of Rome (Italy), where she started her training on surface science and scanning probe techniques by investigating the self-assembling and electron confinement properties of silicon nanostructures on metal surfaces. In 2015, she carried out the PhD in Physics dedicated to the startup of a laboratory to investigate solid/liquid interfaces and developing a seminal research activity on wide-bandgap semiconductors in a liquid environment.

After the PhD diploma, she moved as a post-doc researcher at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz where she started to explore the potentialities of the forefront of scanning tunnelling spectroscopies, using the radio frequency-STS (rf-STS) technique at low temperature with an LT-STM setup and investigating archetype molecular magnets in direct contact with the metallic surface.

            In July 2016 she moved as senior post-doc to the Laboratory of Molecular Magnetism (LA.M.M.) at the Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff” (DICUS) of the University of Florence (Italy) starting a comprehensive research activity on nano-assemblies of molecules with spin functionalities on surfaces studied by STM, photoemission spectroscopies and synchrotron radiation. In 2018, she won an individual research project at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF) of the University of Florence on the investigation and control reaction of complex molecules. She is currently exploring new frontiers for sensing technologies based on a novel mechanism for controlling the molecular magnetization switching of a single-molecule magnet using superconductors. This research has been recently awarded by the National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology with the NEST 2020 award, recognizing the activity of young scientists working in Italy in the fields of nanoscience. Since November 2021, she started a tenure track position as an assistant professor at DIEF where she teaches Chemistry.


Research Activity

Publications: ORCID

Detailed Curriculum Vitae






last update: 08-Mar-2022
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